Travelling with kids in Italy is fun. And the locals love it when you try to speak in Italian. Here are some key phrases that will help you communicate.
Buongiorno (hello)
Non parlo Italiano (I don’t speak Italian)
Grazie (Thank you)
Quanto costa (How much is it?)
Dov’e` il Pantheon? (Where is the Pantheon?)
Quale autobus mi porta al Colosseo? (Which bus takes me to the Colosseum?)
Mi chiamo…. (My name is….)
C’e` un pizzeria buona qui vicino? (Is there a good pizzeria near here?)
Il treno parte dal binario nove. (The train departs from platform nine.)
Ci porta il conte per favore (Can you bring us the bill please)
La stazione (The station)
C’e` un bancomat qui vicino? (Is there am ATM near here?)