Family holiday ideas – Australia

Australia has so much to offer for family experiences that it’s no wonder that many Australians never leave home at all. Cosmopolitan cities, awe-inspiring outback, tropical rainforests, untouched wilderness and pristine alpine environments. There’s something for every family.

It’s unlikely any Australian family travel bucket list would not include some or all of the following: the Daintree region in Far North Queensland where the rainforest meets the reef; the Great Barrier Reef marine park and the islands that are part of it; the iconic Red Centre, its expanses of bright red desert, Uluru, Kata Juta and interactions with the indigenous owners; the Top End, including Darwin and Kakadu; Sydney and its Harbour; cosmopolitan, cultured Melbourne; the Great Ocean Road in Victoria; the ancient rock formations in the Flinders Ranges; the vast expanses of Western Australia from the frontier Kimberley in the north to Albany in the south; Tasmania, with its intriguing history and diverse landscapes including Cradle Mountain, the south-west wilderness and pristine Bruny Island.

It should also include the unspoilt nature-lovers’ paradise of Lord Howe Island in the Pacific Ocean two hours’ flight from Sydney; Kangaroo Island off the South Australian mainland with its white-sand beaches, abundance of wildlife and seaside shacks (plus a growing number of luxury accommodations). And that’s just for starters.